MIGRANT workers' contribution to farming and food production in the county is being highlighted in a new leaflet published by the Diocese of Worcester.

The leaflet, entitled Who Picks, Packs and Processes Our Food? is being distributed in churches around the Diocese of Worcester.

It has been put together by Rev Robert Barlow, the diocesan chaplain for Agriculture and Rural Life, who said the public often take migrant workers' contribution to putting food on shop shelves for granted.

"In the fields and pack houses of this diocese we are likely to meet people from almost anywhere in the world," said Mr Barlow.

"In my own experience of working with farmers and agricultural workers, migrant labour is very much an issue in the area," he said.

He hopes the leaflet will alert clergy and the public to migrants' continuing needs when they are away from home, especially after media attention had faded after headline grabbing accidents like the Charlton rail crash in 2003.

Three people died when a high-speed express train smashed into a van carrying foreign farm workers which had stopped on a level crossing near Evesham.

"Soon other events became more newsworthy and the media spotlight moved on. But the issues that accident highlighted remain," he explained.

The leaflet outlines who the migrants are, some of their needs, the protection they need and how the community is dependent on them.

The leaflet was distributed just before Rogation Sunday, on May 1, when churches traditionally pray for farm workers.

Copies of the leaflet can be obtained by ringing 01886 821339.