COMPLETION of a £500,000 community centre has fallen two months behind schedule.

The Tolly Centre on Rose Avenue, Tolladine, Worcester, was supposed to open last month, but problems with the under-floor heating system in the infants section have caused the delays, according to SureStart's project manager, Ian Craigan.

He said the expected finish date for the centre was now the end of June, with a grand opening on Saturday, July 16.

"In the original programme the centre would have been finished in April, but that's the nature of capital programmes," he said.

"You set off to cross the ocean in fazes and the wind blows here and the wind blows there."

Children's charity SureStart has stumped up around £400,000 of the total cost of the centre, which includes a special toddlers area, as well as a youth wing with an outdoor play area.

It is about three times larger than the community centre it replaces. During the building works, the groups which use the centre - ranging from toddler groups to senior citizen lunch clubs - have been moved to schools and other centres so their regular meetings can continue.

Christchurch - the chapel incorporated into the building - will continue to hold its services at nearby Rowan Court, a residential home for the elderly, said its vicar Father Nduna Mpunzi.

Mr Craigan said there was no cause for alarm - nothing had gone wrong, and it was just unforeseen circumstances.

He said and all the groups using the centre would still be accommodated around the city.

SureStart is a Government-run programme which was set up to increase the availability of childcare, improve health and emotional development for young children and support parents.