WORK is finally set to start this autumn on a long-awaited £1.3m sports centre in Malvern, it has been announced.

Planners granted permission for the project at Dyson Perrins High School last month - and now it looks like the builders will move on to the Yates Hay Road site in October.

The scheme will see the school's current sports hall and gymnasium refurbished and a fitness suite created for school and community use.

New changing rooms and car parking will also be created for the centre, which will be for both school and community use.

"It's proceeding very nicely and we now have to work the scheme up in detail, obtain tenders and do necessary pre-contract work," said Geoff Roberts, the man in charge of school buildings for Worcestershire County Council.

The project received the go-ahead in February after a bid for £466,000 of National Lottery cash was accepted.

Malvern Hills District Council has contributed £334,000 - as well as a further £50,000 a year to cover management costs - and the county council £400,000.

Headteacher Peter Buchanan said it would be a wonderful asset, for the whole town as well as the school.

"We would have liked them to start in June but we're delighted we have a start date," he said.

"There has been a number of hurdles to cross - we've had to get the money and we've achieved that and we've had to get planning permission and we've got that too.

"It's a very exciting project which will have enormous benefits for PE and sport within the school and provide much-needed facilities for community use."