AN article on Page 2 of Worcester News on Wednesday, April 27 refers to a Wendy Hands of Upton-on-Severn. This must surely be the same person whose letters sometimes appear on the correspondence page of the Worcester News.

Both the item on April 27 and letters from Mrs Hands indicate that, like many Conservative voters, she is, in fact, a UKIP fellow-traveller.

I accept that we are all entitled to our own views and opinions. However, we are right to expect a certain degree of consistency. Apparently, Mrs Hands stood under the "Green" label during the General Election!

Why did she not stand as a UKIP candidate? There is surely a wealth of difference between UKIP and the Greens. It would seem to make sense for the latter to have contacts with similar movements in European Union countries. UKIP and the Tory right abhor contact with the EU.

