THE Bishop of Worcester and his council have passed judgement on Wychavon District Council's approach to the illegally-camped gypsies in Pershore.

That they have done so without allowing the council an opportunity to explain the true position is indicative that they are neither democratic nor accountable.

The current enforcement is after a decision of the Government inspector and the highest court of the land. What is remarkable is that the Bishop, having been a non-elected Member of Parliament, seems unwilling to support the rule of law and order and advocates a rule of "please yourself and go as you will".

The Church can air its moral indignation in the happy knowledge that it would not be responsible for the chaos that would result in not supporting the judgement of the Courts.

Wychavon's officers exercise their responsibilities with considerable humanity but they also have a responsibility to law-abiding citizens as well. They too, are entitled to expect fairness in the administration of planning.

When these caravans appeared in the Abbey Park last Sunday week, the first thing the church did was to lock the doors. The second was to seek assurances that they would be moved in time for the VE service in the Abbey grounds.

I have little doubt that the occupiers were actively encouraged to move to the Civic Centre site.

Now, the Bishop offers the services of his clergy as negotiators. How really helpful when they have passed the judgement - any serious arbiter keeps his own opinions to himself and preserves his impartiality.


Past leader of Wychavon District Council,

Wick, Pershore.