A WORCESTER mum's appeal for parents of youngsters with dyspraxia to get in touch to form a support group has been a huge success.

Cathy Parvin's eight-year-old daughter Lydia was diagnosed with the condition - which causes problems with perception, thought and movement - when she started primary school.

But the lack of support in the area for the condition, which is often referred to as 'clumsy child syndrome', left Mrs Parvin, from Huxtable Rise in Warndon Villages, often feeling lonely and isolated.

The 40-year-old former nurse contacted the Worcester News in March to try and drum up interest in a support group and the first meeting has now been held - with 16 mums and dads turning up.

"I was astonished by the enthusiasm," Mrs Parvin said.

"People came from all over Worcestershire and despite being total strangers the conversation just bubbled.

"It was like everyone had at last met someone who understood what they were talking about."

The meeting was such a success the group has now agreed to meet monthly, with the next meeting planned for Friday, May 20, at Lyppard Grange Community Centre in Ankerage Green.

"We are also organising for all the children to get together and they will all be going bowling on Sunday, June 26," Mrs Parvin added.

To find out more about the parent support group call Mrs Parvin on 01905 617466 between 10am and 4pm or e-mail cathy.west@btinternet.com