FORMER pupils of a village school in Worcestershire which closed nearly 50 years ago are being invited to a reunion.

Knightwick's local history group set up an exhibition celebrating Knightwick School - which saw more than 1,000 pupils pass through its doors when it was open between 1888 and 1959 - last September.

And such was the interest in the event, Geraldine Cooper has been working steadily ever since to arrange a reunion for the people who started their education there.

"Knightwick built its own school during the mid-19th Century when there was a great movement forward in general education for all," she told the Worcester News.

"It was opened on June 4, 1888, with 83 pupils of all ages."

But the final closure came in April 1959, after a five-year long struggle to try to maintain a school in the parish.

"All the children had been siphoned off to new county secondary schools, making the provision of a school in each parish uneconomical," Mrs Cooper added.

"But in the 71 years it was open at least 1,085 children received their education at the school, coming from more than 300 family surnames."

Now Mrs Cooper has organised a reunion for former pupils which will take place on Sunday, June 26, in the Village Hall in Knightwick, at 2pm.

"There will be an exhibition of its history and the owners of the school house have even said they will ring the school bell," she added.

"I would be very grateful for any photo's memories and stories relating to the school."

Anyone who was a pupil, or knows someone that went to the school, can call Mrs Cooper on 01905 427501.