A FARMER has been reunited with a calf that fell out of the back of a trailer.

Jon Tainton, from Shoulton House Farm near Hallow, bought two Hereford cross calves on Saturday, but was shocked to find only one in the trailer when it arrived at his farm.

As reported in the Worcester News yesterday, there had been sightings of the one-week-old calf around the Claines area but Mr Tainton was frantic with worry until he found out the animal was in good health and had been well looked after.

"It seems a family found the calf, took it home and cared for it over the weekend," said Mr Tainton.

"I'm really relieved. She was a bit worried when she arrived here but after a few minutes she was back to normal and she's now playing with a football in the garden.

"Who knows what happened. Perhaps the calf leant on the door handle in the trailer and let itself out.

"It's so lucky it was found by someone who knew what they were doing.

"I'd like to say a big thank you to them."