SCORES of top cops across South Worcestershire have been awarded for their sterling work in the line of duty.

More than 25 police officers with West Mercia Constab-ulary were presented with the various honours at a recent ceremony at Worcester police station.

PC Bruce Cairns and PC Christopher Royle - based at Droitwich and Worcester police stations respectively - were among those to be recognised for their actions.

The duo received the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire Awards for their quick thinking after being sent to a house fire in Worcester's Liverpool Road last August.

The occupant had a history of harming herself and the brave officers forced the front door and - realising the smoke was coming from upstairs - made their way to the bedroom, which was well alight and was where the occupant was.

Despite being beaten back by the heat, the officers finally rescued the woman from the house, where she was taken to hospital, before making a further search of the property for any other occupants. Fire officers commented on the brave actions of the two officers, saying the fire was so intense they would not have considered going in without full fire protection.

Speaking to the Worcester News this morning, PC Cairns - aged 45 and a Droitwich rural beat manager - said he was proud to receive the award.

"Whenever you go to an incident you never know what's you're going into until you get there and you just go into an automatic mode and do what you're trained to do," he added.

"It's just something we do as part of our job."

Other officers to be honoured include Special Constables Ian Retter and Joel Corbett at Worcester, who received Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Awards for administering life support to a woman who had collapsed in the city's Angel Place.

See the Worcester News later this week for more details on other officers who received awards.


Royal Humane Society Award on Parchment: PC Richard Harris (stationed at Worcester).

Chief Constable's Commendation and Judge's Commendation: Det Con Eric Summerton (Evesham).

Chief Constable's Commendations: Sgt Matthew Hooley (Malvern), Det Insp Graham Smith (Worcester), Det Con Glyn Jones (Bromsgrove).

Divisional Commendations: Det Sgt Jonathan Roberts, Det Con Liam Mullen, PC Christine Walters, Sarah Butt, Mike Burrows and Kate May (all stationed at Worcester) Det Con Janine Shelley (Bromsgrove).

Commendation for Professional Investigation: Sgt Mark Underhill (Pershore), PC Stuart Allen (Pershore).

Commendation for Calm Thinking, Brave Actions and Dedication to Duty: PC Peter Davey (Evesham).

Commendation for Consistent Good Work During Probationary Training: PC Russell Baynton (Worcester), PC Marcus Surridge (Worcester).

Commendation for Communication Skills Courage and Teamwork: PC Allan Smith (Worcester), PC Helen Griffiths (Worcester).

Commendation for Communication Skills, Courage and Positive Actions: Sgt Richard Robson (Pershore) and PC Howard Latham (Pershore).

Commendation for Bravery and Decision-Making Skills: PC Nicholas Stinton (Malvern), PC Paul Smith (Malvern).

Commendation for Commitment, Enthusiasm and Leadership as Acting Sgt at Pershore: PC John Hunter (Pershore).

Commendation for Commitment, Enthusiasm and Effectiveness as Community Support Officer: CSO Guiseppe Facchiano (Worcester).

Commendation for Hard Work and Commitment as Intelligence Officer for Droitwich: PC Stuart Mitchinson (Droitwich).

Commendation for Recognition of Professionalism, Initiative and Excellent Communication: Special Constables Malcolm Stanley and Gary Box (Droitwich).