A FIVE-year battle to clean up a litter hot-spot in Worcester is finally coming to fruition.

The Worcester News published an article last month about St Peter's Parish Council's frustration at the state of Abbotsbury Court, with broken fencing, litter and poor access.

Big steps have now been taken to improve the area after managing agents Paul White Associates agreed to pay Worcester City Council to carry out the necessary work to get the site up to scratch.

City councillor for the parish, Roger Knight said: "It's a major breakthrough and I think it's great."

Shopper Margaret Hoare, aged 55, of Vimiera Close in Norton, Worcester, said the site needed tidying up.

"It's really a tip at the moment and doesn't look very nice," she said.

Resident of nearby Rainthorpe Avenue, 28-year-old Gavin Yarnold agreed.

"The access to the site is poor," he said. I think a new access road is definitely needed."

The agents have agreed to pay for work to improve the access to the court, the construction of a pathway to the nearby bus stop, additional bins and increased litter picking.

Paul Cole, of Paul White Associates said: "There is a commitment there and I hope that the measures we are putting in place, in conjunction with the council, will address the concerns of the local council."