AN ex-employee of the Army Medal Office in Droitwich, who was made redundant after its controversial closure in March, claims he was left unable to claim benefits for six weeks as the paperwork he needed from his old bosses failed to materialise.

Richard Badham has been living on his final month's salary since his job as an administration assistant at the AMO came to an end, along with 40 others, on Wednesday, March 23.

In order to receive Jobseeker's Allowance and cash to help pay for his rent and council tax bills, the 49-year-old from Eastfield Close, in Fernhill Heath, needed a letter from his former employees stating when and why he lost his job - but it only turned up last Saturday.

"From what I have been led to understand it seems there are other people in the same boat," he told the Worcester News.

"Because I have had to wait so long I am now deep into my overdraft.

"I've had to pay for my rent and council tax and don't know if I'm going to be able to claim it back now.

"This should have been sorted out straight away, but instead it seems to have been passed from pillar to post."

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said as far as they were concerned, as soon as the necessary paperwork had been received they duly processed it and sent it to the JobCentre.

"There is no record of any delay," he added.

"We also have no record of any complaints being received."