UNDER-siege residents plagued by drink and drug-fuelled violence, sex and vandalism are pleading for cash to improve their area.

The park next to Great Oaty Gardens in Warndon Villages has, for many years, attracted teenagers who leave condoms and beer cans and vandalise the houses which are just yards away.

Now Worcester City Council is gunning for Lottery money to redevelop the park and move it further away from front doors.

Residents spoke to the Worcester News yesterday, but they were too scared to be identified because they fear reprisals.

"We've had drink, drugs and sex in there," said one resident. "It's about time something was done."

A mother said she was sometimes scared to be in her house alone. "They arrive in cars with alcohol and takeaways and get involved in fighting, shouting and drinking at all hours of the night," she said.

"They've left used condoms tied to the trees and beer cans filled with urine.

"We get targeted when we complain. We're forever mending our garden fence and we've had eggs thrown at the house."

She said things improved when the police's Section 30 dispersal order was in effect allowing gangs of youths to be moved on. But, with its expiry, the trouble is back.

Most people say the problems arise because the park is too close to the houses.

However, Lauren Hamer, aged 17, while backing calls for improvement, said she thought the problems had beenexagerated. "People pay a lot of money for their houses so I can see both sides but I think the problems are exaggerated," said Miss Hamer, aged 17.

"They took the bench away from the park and it meant people stayed away.

"Hopefully, if the park was redeveloped things would improve.."