May I please address some of the comments made by Mr P Byrne, of Rowan Close, Wythall.

Firstly. I have no knowledge of his dealings with Councillor Denaro, but his comments come as somewhat of a surprise as this is not the style I have been accustomed to with him or for that matter any of his fellow Wythall councillors no matter what their political persuasion is.

It is factually incorrect to say that WRRA always vote with the Tories or abstain. I assume Mr Byrne is basing his statements only on the named votes reported in full council minutes, which are not verbatim and do not reflect any debate which took place prior to the vote being taken.

Neither do those minutes reflect the occasions on which WRRA councillors vote against the ruling group - you have to be present to witness these.

In conclusion I find Mr Byrne's suggestion that I open my eyes to be quite offensive. If he knew me he would know that I champion the cause of Wythall residents at every opportunity by raising issues which need to be brought to the attention of both district and county councils through the elected members who I deal with directly and not through the media. He does not have to take my word for it - ask any of them.

Ken Footman, Silver Street, Wythall