Recently I have received two Labour Party propaganda notices. After sixteen years on the county council, Russ Clayton boasts that he "takes a keen interest in social services" and "will work ... to reduce anti-social behaviour."

Geoff Hulett, after two years on the district council, claims he has made "the tackling of anti-social behaviour his priority" and, consequently, "alcohol bans have been introduced on recreation grounds and activities for youngsters have increased."

Where? I have lived in Catshill for five years and still see youngsters gathered on street corners and in playgrounds with nothing to do. They are good kids, who simply want to spend time with their friends.

Where are the coffee shops? Where are the gyms, sports courts and facilities? Where are the bowling alleys and Friday discos? Where are the personal interest clubs? Why are our school, church and village halls closed while the kids are on the streets?

On your record, Mr Clayton, you should hang your head in shame rather than stand for re-election. You too, Mr Hulett, when your time comes.

Arthur Bridle,

Goodwood Road, Catshill