I WOULD like to know whom the council asked for an opinion regarding the new facilities at the Dolphin Centre.

Being a regular, swimming at lease twice a week, I looked forward to the opening of the new changing rooms.

What a disappointment! Tiny cubicles with one hook for clothes and after complaints a plastic chair, which takes at least a third of the space.

The showers are feeble and are very unsatisfactory at getting the shampoo out of my hair. It takes much longer, so if it is supposed to save water I doubt if it does.

The fact that the changing rooms are unisex is not pleasant and the whole ordeal of using these impractical facilities is actually putting me off going for a swim. This is a great shame as I have been using the centre for years. As a final insult, I have been led to believe the district council are going to charge for parking as well.

I recently visited Droitwich Leisure Centre where the facilities are excellent. You do not pay for a locker making it cheaper and the parking is free.

They will be receiving my custom from now on.

Nicola Taylor, Hazelton Road

Marlbrook, Bromsgrove