I TRULY do feel for MG Rover and the loss of hundreds and thousands of jobs.

However, I have my own take on it all and I feel it is justified. I lost my job over six months ago and have been diagnosed as asthmatic. Thus bringing my line of income in the automotive industry as a spray-painter to an end.

So when I went to the Job Centre all I got was a sorry and please have a look at the job points.

So you can see how the Rover problem has made me quite upset indeed.

They (the Job Centre) have bent over backwards to help the 5,000 plus at Rover.

There are new training opportunities and no waiting! But I have to wait six months until I can get any help remotely like that of the Rover workers.

In fact, when I called after jobs I was told that they are only interested in ex Rover workers to fill the position in question. Why! Don't I have the same or even better skills than them?

I am a qualified vehicle spray-painter, paint technician and tutor in the paint industry for Akzo Notel and Spuis Hecke Freund in Holland. So why can't I get a job to support my wife and four children. Because I can't find one.

But the Job Centre can find one if you are a MG Rover worker.

I feel that I have been cheated and would only get work if I was at Rover. Why can't I be re-trained like them to help me find other sources of income. Why don't I get star treatment from Northfield Job Centre, why don't I get a helping hand?

So yes, I am upset and I feel that it is not just about them.

What about all the other people like myself. Affirmative Action.

Alastair Churchill,

Windmill Avenue, Rubery