I AM writing in response to Mr Major's letter in last week's paper where he was complaining about Danemere's "Exorbitant re-homing fees" for rescued animals. I do agree with Mr Major that a loving home is what these animals need, however this is only a small part when considering adopting a dog (or any other animal).

Straight away your new dog is going to need a collar, lead,identification tag, bed, feeding bowls and grooming products. On an ongoing basis you are also going to need to give your dog food , inoculations, worming tablets, pay for vet bills and pet insurance.

When taking in consideration the cost of the above, Danemere's re-homing fee is very small indeed and as a dog owner I would advise anyone who thinks that the re-homing fee is expensive to think again about adopting a dog.

Unlike Mr Major, I am sure Danmere's policies are there for the animals' welfare, most of these animals have already had a bad start in life and need a secure home.

However, his idea of animal welfare is to give them to a young person on job seekers allowance. Obviously he put as much thought into that idea as the original owners of the animals did in buying a pet!

Steve Roberts, Rowan Close,

Droitwich Spa