I WOULD like to endorse the comments made by 'Driver of Droitwich' and in particular regarding the lights at the corner of Worcester Road and Tagwell Road. Who sanctioned these lights?

They have been in force for several months now, and I have been observing them for a large part of the day as my place of work directly overlooks them. They have done nothing but cause an almost permanent traffic jam on the Worcester Road.

In order to allow one or two vehicles out of Tagwell Road the lights have meant that even outside of the busy periods there are often 20 or 30 cars waiting to get through them in both directions.

The main problems occur when vehicles are turning right, either into Tagwell Road or the Esso garage. This has the effect of leaving the traffic behind completely at a standstill.

In addition, the number of times I have seen numerous cars waiting on a red light on the Worcester Road while there is no traffic coming out of Tagwell Road, or no pedestrians crossing when the bleepers sound, is almost countless. It happened to me at three o'clock in the morning last Saturday!

Astonishingly, there is even a 'no entry' box outside the antiques shop, which is hardly ever used, but no such boxes outside the Esso garage, which is in almost constant use. In my opinion a mini-roundabout would have been quite sufficient. Along with a set of pelican lights outside the post office to allow pedestrians to cross, this would have kept the traffic flowing practically all of the time.

It would be interesting to hear the views of any of our local councillors on this subject which affects practically all motorists in this town.

Manchester Man, Danube Close, Droitwich Spa