Ruth Bottomley, chairman, welcomed a good attendance at the meeting on April 12, when the speaker was Judy Berrow, who presented a talk with slides entitled 'Starting from Scratch,' which illustrated the development of a garden and its flowers.

This alone seemed to us a fearsome task but Judy had also transformed a collection of listed farmhouse ruins into her home, The Tithe Barn at Chaddesley Corbett. Judy's heroic endeavours have been rewarded and the garden is beautiful, with the church and churchyard of St. Cassian providing a spectacular backdrop. We shall be able to view this oasis on June 14 when we make a trip to Tithe Barn. Club members will have free entry to the garden. Supper is arranged at the Talbot at a cost of £10 per person.

Mabel Tansell's Dicentra Spectabilis was flower of the month.