Southern steam in the late 1950s, early 60s, is the club's topic for the May meeting, this will be a slide presentation with Trevor Owen, from Aberystwyth.

Trevor will be travelling from Wales to do this presentation for us, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge, photographic skills on the steam scene.

Trevor has been taking photographs for many years covering all regions in the British Isles, mainly with steam. Many pictures of his can be seen in books and magazines on the subject, a speaker with a vast collection of slides on all railway subjects.

The date of the meeting is today (Wednesday), and as always we meet at St Godwald's Church Hall, in Aston Fields, which is near the railway station. Doors open at 7.15pm for a 7.45pm start. There will also be a book stall and refreshments. All are welcome. For further details, call Dave on 01527 873800 or Gordon on 01527 873609.