AT the meeting on April 21, the president, Maureen Timmins, welcomed members - especially two new members - bringing the total to 26.

Maureen spoke briefly of the progress of the WI, specifically thanking Pearl Prior for her help. A rose bush had previously been presented to Pearl.

A short account was given of the spring council meeting in March. Maureen, secretary Carolynne and treasurer Sylvia attended, finding it most interesting and was quite overwhelmed by the friendship received.

Forthcoming events at St Catherine's were announced by Maureen and county and national by Carolynn.

The speaker was Jackie Gregory, of ACWW. Jackie gave an account of her joining and subsequent training. She spoke of the development into a nationwide organisation to help third world countries and underprivileged countries to provide a higher standard of living specifically for women and children. Various books of interest were studied by members to assist in learning of the work undertake, the triennial meetings held in different countries and the affiliation of the WI to the ACWW - the 'pennies of friendship' now renamed 'coins for friendship,' was started by Mrs Dale of Cricceth , in Wales, to encourage farmer's wives to save money to pay for projects in poorer countries. The 'Water for All' project was one of such projects, Jackie's sphere is in Gambia to which she travels periodically to oversee the work in hand. To raise money for the transportation Jackie makes delicious jams and marmalades to sell. Maureen thanked Jackie and announced the next meeting on May 19.