The president, Jenny Marsh, welcomed members to the April meeting.

She thanked Phyl Healey and Jean Westwood for stepping into help with the teas and Ann Ballard for the flowers. The Corbett Group are proposing a trip to the Royal Show on July 4. A spring lunch has been organised at the Golf Club on Wednesday, May 18, and there will be a jumble sale on June 4.

The president pointed out a piece in the newsletter regarding the use of WI funds. We can raise the money for flowers and cards for sick members as long as we do not use the WI name.

Judy gave out the timing for the Tyntesfield trip, departing at 9am. She also gave a report on the annual council meeting, where the main speaker was Nick Owen, from the BBC.

The president then introduced Janet Clemas, chairman of the WI Science Club, who gave a very interesting and 'hands-on' demonstration of the making of paint through the ages and members tried their hands at painting on stone, wax and paper with paint made up as in times past. Some very interesting Egyptian tyre paintings were produced. The competition was won by Jean Westood and the raffle by Pat Annable.