IN reply to Mrs I Chambers (Letters, Tuesday, May 3) what are you talking about?

My husband was one of the MG Rover workforce who according to you "only lived for today". He travelled from Worcester to Longbridge never having a day's sickness for 10 years.

We have two small children aged three and five and I work part-time only. We have a mortgage and bills like any other family.

I would hardly call that "only living for today and never giving a thought to the future." Yes we are very sympathetic to Worcester Porcelain workers as we have friends who have worked there.

But at least they are getting the redundancy payments to which they are entitled, unlike MG Rover workers, who are only receiving the statutory amount set by the Government. This is about a third of what most of of these people are entitled to.

It is not the workforce complaining and asking for money to be "bailed out" as you put it. This is what they are entitled to. And as regards the pension fund, my husband has paid into it for the last 10 years and will be lucky to see half of this.

So Mrs I Chambers, get your facts right before you start belittling the MG Rover workforce. Direct your comments to the management who deserve them, and count your lucky stars that neither you, nor any of your family, are affected by the devastating results the collapse of MG Rover has had on so many families like ours.

