President Dot Waldron welcomed 26 members - including our newest member, Cynthia Wall, who was applauded - and two guests to the meeting on April 11.

The Corbett Group has proposed a visit on Monday, July 4 to the Royal Show.

The county flower quiz entry forms at £1 each are now available.

The skittles team - still looking to record a victory - hopes to do better in the two final matches.

Sara Picken knocked down nine skittles in our recent match against Ipsley WI, but three of the opposition did the same and we were not able to catch up.

The enjoyment factor of these encounters is always high, even if our scoring isn't.

A list was sent round for members to indicate their intention to book for the proposed outing to the Wye Valley on Tuesday, June 21 - the cost for the coach would be £10 per person if there were enough to fill it.

So, family, friends and neighbours are all very welcome.

Jan Young reported on the annual council meeting, which was held at Malvern in March, and at which she was our delegate and Wendy Hyatt a visitor.

Our guest speaker was Ray Sturdy, who presented a talk entitled Worcestershire Remembered, illustrated with slides.

His commentary looked back 100 years to living conditions in Worcestershire at that time, and the old photographs projected on the screen bore witness to the hardships and injustices that were often endured and usually overcome by hard work and strong family ties.

Mr Sturdy is a long-time supporter of the charity MENCAP, which was founded 50 years ago by the actor Brian Rix and his wife Elspeth whose daughter from birth was mentally handicapped, so it was a doubly satisfying and much appreciated experience that he had given us.

The competition for a photograph of old Worcestershire was won by Margaret Bullock, with Mary Wormington as runner-up.