A NEW face was set to take to the helm of Bromsgrove District Council last night (Tuesday).

Councillor Jill Dyer MBE (Con-Drakes Cross and Walkers Heath) was due to be elected as chairman for the forthcoming year.

Jill will take over the role from outgoing chairman, Ted Tibby.

The Wythall resident is a familiar face because of her community work and role on the district authority, which she has served on since 1999. She has also been a member of Wythall Parish Council since 1983.

Jill received an MBE in 2000 for her services to the community.

"I am immensely looking forward to the coming year. I really want to raise the profile of the council and be available to residents," said Jill.

"I have admired how Ted worked so hard cementing contacts with other councils in the county and the county council. He has supported so many societies and I want to carry on his good work."

Jill said she had had a tremendous year as deputy chairman. Some of the highlights had included a harvest festival at Worcester Cathedral and a youth inventors award at Avoncroft.

For her chairman's charities Jill has chosen two groups which are close to her heart - Bromsgrove Youth Homelessness Forum and the Hollytrees Animal Rescue Trust.

Cllr Dyer said she chose the homelessness forum because about eight years ago she became aware of the position many 16-year-olds found themselves in when they left care.

"It seemed they were just left with no help and I was inspired to get involved. I want to make sure the group gets a high profile during the next year," she said.

Regarding the animal rescue trust, Jill said she had watched the centre, which is about 200 yards from her home, expand over the years and help more and more animals.

"The staff and volunteers do tremendous work there and I really wanted this to be highlighted. They care and rehome all kinds of animals - they even rescued two horses from the M5 at 3am one morning."

When not pursing council matters, Jill enjoys gardening, cooking and doing crosswords. She also looks after her cat, which adopted her and her late husband John, who died in 1998.

She is also very active in the community as a driver for Rural Rides, which helps people who do not have transport to get to places such as hospitals, and as a relief driver for Meals on Wheels, which she has been involved with since 1984.

Jill, a former modern languages teacher, is also governor at Woodrush High and Coppice Primary schools.