THOUSANDS of garden enthusiasts will be seeking inspiration from the work of a Bromsgrove designer who is exhibiting at one of the country's top horticultural shows this weekend.

It will be the first time Lindsay Stanton from Birmingham Road, Marlbrook, has had one of her creations on display at the Malvern Spring Gardening Show.

Lindsay has been designing gardens in Worcestershire and further afield in the Midlands for 12 years.

Her urban-style garden, of 24 square metres, will be one of 14 show gardens on display at the show which is the first big gardening event of the new season.

They will be judged by the Royal Horticultural Society, which awards the coveted Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to those deemed the best.

"I have called the garden 'Chic to Chic,' as the intention is to present a romantic and intimate setting, whilst at the same time giving it a cool, chic and modern feel," she said.

"The garden is ideally suited for a busy working couple-giving maximum enjoyment with minimum maintenance," said Lindsay.

It features blue slate paving contrasting with cream timber arches, setting off burgundy, silver blue, and light variegated foliage.

"The diagonal design creates a greater feeling of space in a garden that sparkles in the summer sunshine and looks great in winter too," said Lindsay.

"I am really relishing the challenge of creating my first show garden."

The show runs from this Friday to Sunday and is open from 9am to 6pm at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern.