TORY MP Peter Luff held on to his Mid-Worcestershire seat in the general election last Thursday.

He received 24,783 of the votes and increased his majority from the 2001 election by nearly 3,000.

Peter said it was a magnificent result and said that Mid-Worcestershire was a wonderful constituency to represent. He also said that while out on the campaign trail the one consistent issue raised by residents was a lack of trust in the Government.

Labour's candidate Matthew Gregson, who was contesting his first seat, came second with 11,456 votes.

He said his party would continue to fight for social justice with an emphasis on a strong, stable economy.

Liberal Democrats increased its share of the vote in Mid-Worcestershire with 9,796 votes.

Parliamentary candidate Margaret Rowley said: "This election shows the continuing rise of genuine three party politics. Nationally we have gained 62 MPs, but if the number of MPs truly reflected the number of Liberal Democrat votes we should have had 141."

UKIP parliamentary candidate Tony Eaves - who campaigns for the UK to leave the European Union - polled 2,092 votes.

He said: "It was a wonderful effort in which we increased our share of the vote to 4.35 per cent from 2.7 per cent in 2001. A special big thank you to a small team."

Voter turnout increased in the constituency, up from 62 per cent in 2001 to 67 per cent.Postal votes proved more popular in this election but of 12,969 votes requested, 9,838 were returned.