THE Conservatives have secured the biggest share of members on Worcestershire County Council following election success.

Elections held on Thursday, May 5, throughout the county, were to elect 57 councillors that will form the council's administration for the next four years. Nine of which would be for the divisions of the Bromsgrove District - Alvechurch, Beacon, Bromsgrove Central, Bromsgrove East, Bromsgrove South, Bromsgrove West, Clent Hills, Woodvale and Wythall.

There were 29 Tories elected out of the 57, giving them an overall majority on the county council.

Labour have the second most seats on the council with 17, while Liberal Democrats have eight, Liberal have two, Health Concern one, with Independent getting 0 - the same as the Greens.

Conservative candidates were elected in the divisions of Alvechurch, Bromsgrove Central, Bromsgrove East, Clent Hills, Woodvale, and Wythall.

However, despite the Conservative majority on the county council there was some Labour joy in a division of the Bromsgrove district. Labour councillor Peter McDonald was elected in the newly formed Beacon division with 2,548 votes.

He said: "It was a historic day for the Labour party. Residents have shown their disappointment with the Tory controlled council through the ballot box."

Cllr McDonald was followed closely by Conservative candidate Michael Andrews with 2,190 votes.

The Beacon division also had the only UKIP candidate in the county in Stephen Peters, who only managed to get 359 votes.

County councillors will be signing in on Saturday, May 7. The first meeting will take place on Thursday, May 26 at County Hall.