TWENTY-FIVE top cops from across South Worcestershire have been presented with honours for their bravery, commitment and determination.

They were acknowledged at a ceremony at Worcester Police Station for acts including wrestling with armed robbers and netting serial burglars.

Det Insp Smith, based at Worcester and Detective Constable Jones, based at Bromsgrove, received a Chief Constable's Commendation.

All nine of the above received divisional commendations for helping in the conviction of Bromsgrove criminals Martin Bradley and Adrian Sharp, who committed rural distraction dwelling burglaries, largely against the elderly.

A further ten officers and staff from Worcester were also singled out.

The Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Award was presented to special constables Retter and Corbett for saving a young woman's life by administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions when she collapsed unconscious in Angel Place.

PCs Royle and Cairns received The Society for the Protection of Life from Fire award after attempting to enter a house fire in Liverpool Road and rescue a young woman who later died.

The Royale Humane Society Award on Parchment was presented to PC Harris who waded into mud to release an 11-year-old girl who got stuck after dropping her fishing net at an abandoned wharf in Northwick.

Community Support officer Facchiano was awarded a Divisional Commendation for dealing with street drinkers, drug users, anti-social behaviour and retail theft while on the beat in Barbourne and Northwick.

PCs Smith and Griffiths displayed courage and teamwork in persuading a knifeman at Warndon's Lyppard Community Centre to surrender.

Consistently good work during PCs Surridge and Baynton's probationary periods earned them recognition.

Droitwich-based PC Mitchinson was commended for commitment in his role as Intelligence Officer.

Professionalism, initiative and excellent communication in dealing with a mentally ill person who threatened them with a stick was why special constables Malcolm Stanley and Gary Box were awarded.

PCs Stinton and PC Smith, of Malvern, had their bravery and decision-making skills in disarming a man who was causing injury to himself with a knife recognised, while their colleague Sgt Hooley was commended for presence of mind, quick thinking and initiative in rescuing a woman from a fume filled vehicle.

Pershore based Sgt Robson and PC Letham persuaded an intoxicated and mentally ill woman to come down from the roof of a building, and PC John Hunter showed great commitment, enthusiasm and leadership while performing the role of acting sergeant.

Sgt Underhill and PC Allen were commended for a professional investigation in connection with a complicated and difficult road death enquiry.

Last but not least, Evesham-based Det Con Eric Summerton received a Chief Constable's Commendation and Judge's Commendation for his vigilance and courage in tackling an armed robber and PC Peter Davey was commended for calm thinking, brave actions and dedication to duty when the public and police were at risk from a man armed with a knife.