PEOPLE still have a chance to slip on their hiking boots and join a charity walk across the Malvern Hills.

The Malvern Hills Lions Club has organised the eight-mile-trek, from Gullet Quarry in Castlemorton to Tank Quarry in North Malvern, for Sunday, May 22.

The organisation is now appealing to anyone who has yet to sign up to go along and join in.

The event has been running for 29 years. Last year 300 people took part, raising more than £3,000. It is being run in 2005 for Macmillan Cancer Relief and Lions charities.

The Malvern club's public relations officer Brian Davies said there had been some interest already but was keen for as many as possible to take part. "You never know how many people are going to walk until the day. There's still a chance to take part this year if people rush around and get their sponsorship."

Car parking and registration is from 9am to noon on the Sunday in the overspill car park opposite the Brown Gate car park of Malvern's Three Counties Showground. Walkers will be taken from there by bus to the starting point and picked up at the end. All recognised small groups who take part are allowed to retain 50 per cent of sponsorship.

Application forms are available from Malvern Tourist Information Centre, Church Street, Malvern.