A TALENTED teenage pianist has won a cash prize to help fulfil her dream of becoming a professional musician.

Holly Harrison, aged 13, was given £300 by the Awards for Young Musicians charity, which gives support to up-and-coming performers.

The multi-talented St Mary's Convent School pupil is a member of the Birmingham Conservatoire junior section and plays violin at grade seven and clarinet at grade five.

However, Holly won the award for her piano playing, at which she has also achieved grade seven.

"Piano is her main instrument and we are absolutely delighted," said Holly's mother, Jane.

"Holly wants to be a professional musician, which requires fitting in a lot of practise around school work, so it's great for her to pick up an award."

In the latest round of the awards, the charity gave out 121 prizes to promising musicians, between the ages of five and 18 years old, across the country.