RESIDENTS of Wyre Forest are being given the opportunity to say what they think about how their district planning chiefs consult the public.

Over the next month, Wyre Forest District Council, in line with new planning laws, is seeking the views of people about ways in which they play a part in the local planning process.

The new regulations put an emphasis on involving the community in decision-making. Residents and groups will be able to voice their opinions on the way the council consults interested parties on planning applications and local development documents.

The authority has drafted a document called Statement of Community Involvement, which explains the types of planning issues the council will be consulting about.

It also says where documents will be available for inspection, who will be consulted about them and how and when they will be involved.

Councillor James Dudley, the council's cabinet member for the environment and economic regeneration, said: "The council hopes people will take this opportunity to get involved and have their say on how they'd like to be involved in the planning process.

"Planning always generates a great deal of interest and we want to continue focusing on the things that local communities tell us are important to them."

Copies of the Draft Statement of Community Involvement can be downloaded from the council's website at It can also be viewed at the council's offices at Duke House, Clensmore Street, Kidderminster, the Civic Centre, Stourport and local libraries.

Anyone who wants to comment on the draft statement can fill in a form, which is available at the council's offices and on the website.

They can be sent to the Forward Planning Section, Duke House, Clensmore Street, Kidderminster by 5pm on Thursday, June 9.

More information is available from Rebecca Mayman on 01562 732554.