THE father of a brave Worcester schoolgirl who has been diagnosed with cancer is appealing to Worcester residents to support her through chemotherapy by shaving their heads.

Five-year-old Danielle Hesti was diagnosed two weeks ago with Wilms Tumour - a type of kidney cancer that affects around 70 children a year in the UK.

Now the Warndon Infant School pupil's dad, Richard Knight, wants others to join him in a sponsored head-shave at The Cricketers Arms in Angel Street, where he is a barman.

The 25-year-old, who lives in Dalegarth Court, Warndon, with Danielle's mum Louise Hesti, 27, and their six-month-old daughter Jessica, said Danielle's diagnosis was a shock for the whole family.

"We took her to Worcester-shire Royal Hospital three weeks ago because her stomach had swelled to treble its size," he said.

"She was transferred straight to Birmingham Children's Hospital where we were told the news.

"The cancer in her right kidney has also spread to her stomach, lungs and pelvis."

Danielle, who Richard said is being very brave, is now undergoing chemotherapy once a week for six weeks to shrink the tumour. It is hoped it can then be removed with surgery.

"She's on a drip feeding her at the moment and we've tried to explain to her that she will feel poorly before she feels better," he said.

"But the doctors have said they are 70 per cent hopeful that she can be completely cured."

Money raised from the sponsored head-shave, which will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday, June 8, will be split between Danielle's family - who hope to put it towards travel costs to the hospital and a holiday for her - and research into children's cancers.

For more information on how to take part, or donate money, call the Cricketers Arms on 01905 23583.