MORE than 200 balloons will be launched outside a Worcester centre tomorrow to mark the number of foster carers who look after children throughout the county.

The publicity drive is also a bid to encourage more people to take up the vocation by providing a temporary, loving home for Worcestershire's most vulnerable youngsters.

Worcestershire County Council's fostering team will release 228 blue balloons to represent how many foster carers there are in the county and another 25 yellow balloons to show how many more are needed.

Team manager Sara Castro said: "Fostering is a terrific way of making a positive difference to a child or young person's life.

"We are out and about in the community to try and encourage local people to consider making a difference to local children's lives through fostering.

"People can come along to the balloon launch or afterwards at the Corn Market to have an informal chat with our social workers or foster carers about what it is really like to foster."

The team will be at the council's Countryside Centre from 11am to 11.45am for the balloon launch and then at the Corn Market from noon until 2pm.

Anyone wanting further information can call free on 0800 028 2158.