A KIDDERMINSTER woman wrongly claimed almost £3,000 in benefits, a court heard.

Paula Bliss, 35, of Hawfinch Rise, Kidderminster admitted failing to report a change in her circumstances. Kidderminster magistrates heard she was claiming benefits as if she lived alone but her husband, Simon Bliss, had moved into the house.

As a result, between December, 2003 and June 2004 she was overpaid £2,389.39 in income support and between December, 2003 and February, 2004 she was overpaid £445.04 in housing benefits and £106.95 in council tax benefit.

Magistrates gave Bliss an 80 hours community punishment order and ordered her to pay £80 costs. She will also have to repay the money.

The case followed a joint investigation by fraud officers from Wyre Forest District Council and the Department of Work and Pensions.

Councillor John Campion, the council's cabinet member for finance and corporate affairs said: "The council is committed to tackling benefit fraud and this case, once again, illustrates how we have been working with the Department of Work and Pensions.

"People who commit benefit fraud are taking money out of everyone's pocket, including those who claim their benefit entitlement honestly.

"We will continue to help people to tell us about people who are fiddling the system and stealing from the taxpayer."

Wyre Forest District Council has a confidential benefit fraud hotline for reports of suspected false claims, on 01562 732658.

Anyone wanting to speak to someone in person can call 01562 732638, during office hours.

E-mails can also be sent from the automatic link in the fraud section of the council's website, www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk