I AM writing regarding the path/roadway which has been completed - at the expense of yet more trees, birds and insects - in what local walkers call Chestnut Wood in Stourport.

Who makes these fatuous, inane, absurd, preposterous, ludicrous decisions? Are they completely insane?

Do they realise how much trouble has been caused?

Horses find it too slippery, so not only could one fall, doing serious damage to itself, but the rider could also suffer more serious injury than if the accident happened on softer ground.

Runners will also find this path far worse than the old "man-made" one.

Motorcyclists will have a heyday though, as now they will be able to reach speeds in excess of 40mph.

There will also be more burnt-out cars than ever. The path will probably attract quad bikes as well.

Dogs and their walkers, people with pushchairs, horses and riders, even pushbikers will be in danger of being hit. Did anybody think of the safety issue?

If whoever thought of spending so much (public) money had taken as much time to think of the consequences - repair costs, clearing broken glass, leaves, even ice or snow - the path would never have been put in.

The money would have been better spent planting trees instead of the continuous felling which is going on around our area. But once again the council has made itself an Aunt Sally (an object of derision and/or insults).

People like me, who love the trees, birds and countryside, feel as though we are ruled by despotism.


Loweswater Road
