A WEEKEND OF Thanksgiving is being held at Ashton-under-Hill to mark the 900 years of St Barbara's Church.

The role of St Barbara's at the heart of the village community is being marked with an exhibition of the church's history and a Service of Thanksgiving on Saturday and Sunday, May 14 and 15, from 11am to 5pm.

It will include newly-discovered photographs and a children's quiz. Admission is free.

The exhibition devised and constructed by churchwarden John Dodge starts at the year 800 and continues up to the present day and includes written records after the Reformation, the village as it evolved, 20th century repairs and improvements to the church and 21st century heating.

The church bells are also featured alongside a collection of photographs of the church and parts of the village nearby from the early years of the 20th century to photographs of recent events.

Village people to help maintain the church and its services and funding the church and its Ministry are also included.

The weekend starts with a reception and exhibition preview tomorrow to include a brief presentation on St Barbara's today and the ways in which the village church needs village support. The Service of Thanksgiving is at 10am on Sunday.

Mr Dodge said: "The church has been a focus for the whole community of Ashton for over 900 years. St Barbara's is here for everyone and relies on the support of the community to make possible its continuity of care and service in years to come.

He explained: "Maintaining the church and its ministry depends almost entirely on local funding and voluntary help. In 2005 it will cost nearly £400 a week, an increase of 20 per cent from last year."