I AM absolutely devastated about the decision to close some of our community schools.

Two of my children have the privilege of attending Lea Street First School in Kidderminster, a privilege which has now been taken away from my third child.

There are no words to describe the full extent of upset and sadness this situation has caused many people in our community - parents, teachers and, most importantly of all, our children.

It has been a long and tiring battle for a lot of people out there, trying to do their best for their children, but these people have stood together and have been strong throughout.

I need to say a huge "thank you" to Mrs Willetts (headteacher) and all the staff of Lea Street First School, for putting up a fantastic fight to save their brilliant school for our children, and another big "thank you" to Lucy Willetts and Sarah Francis for giving up so much of their time to be the voice for us all, and fighting "to the bitter end".

You have done your best and more. You have done us proud, thank you both so much.


St George's Terrace, Kidderminster