PLANS for a drive-through tiger compound at West Midland Safari Park have been denied council permission - despite having already been built.

An underground tunnel and watchtower are in put in place but park owners could now have to take them down.

Two previous applications were approved in the past year by Wyre Forest District Council for a tiger house and rhinoceros enclosure, despite protests from homeowners.

The latest application was, however, unacceptable because extra cars would cause pollution for neighbours and add to traffic at the A456 entrance to the Bewdley attraction, a council officer said.

"The development is considered to create an unacceptable loss of amenity to adjoining residential properties," said case officer, Paul Round, in a report to members of the council's planning (development control) committee.

The committee backed Mr Round's recommendation to refuse the plan when it met on Tuesday.

Park bosses have six months to lodge an appeal.