EVESHAM'S new mayor Frances Smith already has some idea of the demands of the role having served as mayoress alongside her husband.

Councillor Smith, who has lived in Hampton all her life, is looking forward to her year in office and the contribution she can make to the town.

As chairman of the Friends of Evesham Community Hospital, one of her key aims is to move forward plans for the town's new hospital.

The grandmother-of-one said: "It is obviously a very great honour to be mayor - I had the honour of being mayoress in 1992 with John and really enjoyed that. Evesham will be my priority over the next year and I will do anything I can to promote the town. My main aim is moving forward on the new hospital project - we have waited long enough for that."

The community hospital will be one of three organisations to benefit from the mayor's fundraising work over the next 12 months.

Cllr Smith is hoping to raise enough money to buy a set of special chair and bed mattresses.

She will also support the Evesham Sea Cadets and the Acquired Brain Injury Unit based at Evesham College.

Cllr Smith said: "Evesham Hospital is dear to my heart because I have been involved in that for a long time. I chose the Evesham Sea Cadets because my husband was a member when he was younger and is president at the moment. I know they are raising money for a new minibus, so it's a group we are both involved with.

I also wanted to do something for the Acquired Brain Injury Unit because the work they do there is fantastic. They help and care for people from all kinds of situations, including those who have suffered from strokes or been injured in car crashes. They aren't very high profile and I'd like to raise awareness of their work."

Cllr Smith was educated at Hampton Primary School and among the first intake of what is now Evesham High School. She was head girl for two years and continues to be involved with the school, as chairman of the governors. She is also secretary of the Evesham Twinning Association.

She spent 20 years working in local government, which included posts at the education office of Worcestershire County Council and Wychavon District Council's engineering department. She retired in 1998. Cllr Smith has also been very involved in her husband's role as district and county councillor, acting as election agent and secretary.

The couple, who live in Malinshill Road, have two daughters, Joanne and Claire, and a two-year-old grandson. Cllr Smith is also a member of Hampton Church and along with her husband, is a keen bellringer. She was taught the art at the age of 12 by her father who was ringing master, a position now held by her husband.