JIM COCKERTON and Dave Busst are both united in the task of ensuring that Evesham United's stay in the top flight of Southern League football isn't a short one, writes Mervyn Collins.

The Common Road chairman, who revealed a ground sharing plan with Worcester City, and his manager spelled out their aims for next season after savouring what was a memorable weekend for both men.

"I have spoken to Dave (Busst) this week and he is looking to bring in three of four players to strengthen the squad," Cockerton revealed.

"I don't foresee a lot more travelling although expenses will be higher. We don't want to come straight back down again and I would like to think that we can more than hold our own in the Premier Division."

The chairman has spoken to officials at St George's Lane should the Robins have to vacate Common Road during next season although that is all dependent on the sale of the ground being completed.

"We envisage being in the new ground for the start of the 2006/2007 season but we have got to ensure that everything is done properly.

"Bloor Homes are purchasing the ground but the deal's not quite done yet. When it is then they will need planning permission so we are looking at moving out at the start of next year," the chairman declared.

Busst, meanwhile, has designated the need for three players proven at premier level to strengthen the squad of players that celebrated promotion last Saturday.

"It will be a whole new ball game," he acknowledged. "Consolidation will be the priority because teams will look at us and fancy their chances of picking up points. I will obviously be far more competitive but the players who have got us there will be given the chance to show what they can do at a higher level."

Both men were hugely delighted with the win over Bromsgrove and the way in which everyone at the club pulled together.

"It was a really brilliant team effort both on and off the field," said the chairman. "The atmosphere was superb and it was nice to be in a position that we could relax especially after the semi-final drama."

His manager added: "We went about the job professionally and punished their mistakes. The midfielders getting the goals was a bonus and Grant getting two was even more pleasing."

"It's the biggest thing that's happened to me as a manager. It was an uphill task when I arrived here 18 months ago but, with Westy's help, we turned things around last season and carried it on this time around.

Busst named skipper Gavin O'Toole as his Player of the Year at Saturday's presentation evening when Jermaine Clarke was honoured by the supporters and Anthony Watson by his fellow players.