A HARMONIOUS Stourport family is hoping to spread the sound of music throughout Wyre Forest by performing at venues such as hotels and residential homes.

The Billington Music Group, which has its own website, consists of Heidi and Mike Billington on keyboard and bass guitar, and their children, Hannah, Thomas and Becky.

Eleven-year-old Hannah plays the drums, while 13-year-old Thomas is a guitarist and 15-year-old Becky plays the rhythm guitar.

The family, who are Christadelphians, perform religious music, as well as pieces by The Beatles and the Shadows.

They share the singing.

"I wouldn't say we were a band, but a family who make music," Heidi told the Shuttle/Times & News.

She added that the family had regularly been compared to the von Trapps from the musical "The Sound of Music", and were currently in the process of writing their first song.

They have performed together at a nursing home in Birmingham for three years in succession and Mike, Becky and Thomas also helped to raise money for homeless people in the city by performing at a benefit concert last December.

Heidi laughed: "People call us the von Trapps regularly because the children used to do songs like 'My Favourite Things' and other stuff from 'The Sound of Music' when they were little but they've grown a bit embarrassed about it now they've grown up."

She added that she taught her children at home and put plenty of music into their curriculum, including time for regular practices of playing the instruments their father taught them.

"We wouldn't want to perform on the pub or club scene, but would be interested in performing at weddings or charity events," Heidi went on.

"It would also be nice for the kids to earn a bit of pocket money by doing hotel lounge concerts or something like that."

The 37-year-old added: "The reason the children are getting to be quite good is that they are willing and we practise as a family three evenings a week."

More information on the Billington Music Group is available online at www.billingtonfamily.co.uk.

They can also be contacted by e-mailing: mikebillehud05@tiscali.co.uk