NEWLY re-elected Redditch MP Jacqui Smith has pledged her support for fairer education funding for the county after being appointed Minister for Schools.

Ms Smith's new role, giving her responsibility for school standards and discipline, was revealed in a telephone call from Tony Blair on Monday evening.

She said she was "absolutely delighted" with the news, which comes just days after Labour's third consecutive election victory in Redditch.

The former Arrow Vale Community High School teacher was previously appointed Under-secretary of State for School Standards in 1999 and said Redditch schools would now be high on her agenda.

She said: "The town's schools have already seen big changes under Labour but I'm prepared to continue making changes to ensure funding is fairer."

Redditch member of the F40 Funding for Schools campaign and Conservative councillor Juliet Brunner said she was "cautiously optimistic" about Ms Smith's new ministerial role.

But she said: "Ms Smith has always said she supported the campaign but she never accompanied us when we were lobbying the former minister."

She added: "We shall see if the reality matches the rhetoric."