A TOT of whisky a day is the key to a long life according to a Kidderminster woman who has celebrated her 100th birthday.

Nellie Helmore made a promise to her late husband, Sidney, that she would have a little tipple each day and believes that is what has kept her going long enough to receive a letter from the Queen.

This is according to her friend and next-door neighbour, Rose Rutherford, who helped Nellie celebrate her milestone anniversary with a party, on Thursday, April 28.

The centenarian has lived in Kidderminster all her life and started working on the tapestry settings at Victoria Carpets after leaving school.

She worked in an ammunition factory during the war and went on to work at Carpet Trades, where she was active in the union.

Mrs Rutherford said: "She used to knit and has made all her own jumpers but can't do that any more because she gets cramp in her fingers.

"She also used to collect for the blind, crochet and embroider and go dancing."

She added: "She's still quite active in a way and can remember way back. She also likes her food and does her own washing and tumbles it."