I JUST wanted to say how sorry I am D. Hayes has been so inconvenienced by disabled people (Letters, May 6).

It must be terrible and a true nightmare to have difficulty getting into your car with a child seat.

How dare my wife, who has cerebral palsy, expect special treatment such as extra space and to be closer to the shops.

She has only had numerous operations and can walk only a few yards and needs a wheelchair to travel any distance.

I myself was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, which is a fatal progressive disease of the nervous, system two months ago. I do not look disabled yet but I am entitled to use a blue badge as the disease can progress fast.

So you cannot go by appearances as disability comes in many forms.

I appreciate the need for more space for parents to get children out of cars but please do not have a go at the disabled, who do face real problems on a day-to-day basis for the rest of their lives.

I know what a nightmare is and it's not having problems getting a child into a car in a multi-storey car park.


Forge Mill Road
