MY name is Carlo and I am a guide dog. I am nine years old.

Last august, my ''dad'' Paul Brookes and I almost died when we were hit by a car near our home on Prospect Hill.

Now I have to pay another visit to the vet, this time it is for a very trivial matter, a problem which need not have happened at all.

I was out and about over the bank holiday, guiding Paul, when I trod in some chewing gum.

It is all stuck between my hairy toes and round my claws and all over my pads.

It is true I do have three other gum-free paws but having gum stuck over one paw is not a pleasant experience.

My ''mum'' Kate has tried to get it off for me but I am a wiggly dog, especially when I have my paws tickled!

When I walk around at home, the carpet sticks to my pads. I am gathering an impresive amount of fluff by the hour.

I have tried biting the horrible stuff off by myself but I just get it stuck on my teeth and it tastes nasty.

People complain about dog poop on pavements (and quite rightly so, I never poop on a pavement) but no one seems to take notice of people who spit chewing gum onto pavements.

It is just as horrible to step in chewing gum as it is to step in dog poop.

At least you can wash dog poop off but you have to scrape chewing gum and no one is going to scrape my paws.

I'll have to wait until a nice nurse at the vets surgery can get it off for me.

You humans really are a dirty lot.


Prospect Hill
