THERE was success for the Midlands area at the national competitions.

The national conference and AGM was held at the Hanover Island Hotel, Hinckley.

Speakers gathered from all around the country to conduct the business of the AGM and then to listen to competitors in the national speech, evaluation and topics contests.

The South Midlands area had two competitors in the finals - John Kemp from Yardley Club in the speech contest and Keith Davis from Sans Souci (Solihull) in the evaluation contest.

Members from the Redditch group attended the conference and were delighted when John Kemp was outright winner and received the Champion's Cup.

John will be attending the Redditch club's annual dinner as guest speaker, so good entertainment is expected.

Keith Davis came runner-up in the evaluation contest.

The season drew to a close yesterday when the club entertained a group who read poetry for the first part of the meeting and then members read their favourite poems.

After a summer break, the club starts again in September. Anyone interested in learning about speaking in public can visit the website on