VE Day on Sunday was marked in West Malvern by a memorable and moving special church service. St James's Church was well-filled with local residents and Royal British Legion members from further afield, including several Second World War veterans.

With singing led by local group Colla Voce, the hymns included All People That on Earth Do Dwell, O God Our Help in Ages Past and Jerusalem and the solemnity of the occasion was heightened by Alan Fish, who was an impressive standard bearer.

The names of all those from the community killed during and since the war were read out prior to a memorial silence. The service was conducted by The Rev. Rosemary Herbert, with a thoughtful and challenging sermon from The Rev. Canon Julian Charley.

Special mention should also be made of the beautiful floral decorations (in patriotic red, white and blue) by Dorothy Connor and Richard Hammond.

After the service, The Rev. Peter Baron, formerly West Malvern's vicar for 31 years, was invited to cut a cake to mark his 90th birthday later this month, to the accompaniment of the congregation singing Happy Birthday.

After the service, members and their guests adjourned to the Royal British Legion HQ in Lower Road, where they enjoyed a splendid buffet lunch with musical entertainment by the Colla Voce choir.

They presented lively renderings of many wartime songs, from Run Rabbit Run and We're Going to Hang Out Our Washing on the Siegfried Line to The White Cliffs of Dover and Bless 'Em All.

A collection at the church service and the proceeds of a raffle at the Legion realised the magnificent sum of £1,000 towards the proposed improvements of facilities at St James's Church. Plans for the scheme, which includes toilets and a kitchen. were on display after the service.

Local residents were recently assured by the police that the village has an encouragingly low crime rate, but West Malvern is bracing itself for an outbreak of serious crime next Friday, May 20. The St James's Primary School PTA will be staging Murder at The Manor at the Village Hall, 7.30 for 8pm. Attenders, working in teams, will have to guess whodunnit. Tickets (£6.50 adults) will include a plated ploughman's lunch and a glass of wine and there will be prizes for the best fancy dress, the winning team and an interval spooky quiz.

The event will raise funds for a range of school projects, including an arts week and educational trips. Further information and tickets are available from Miss Griffiths at the school (tel 561207), Debbie Hoad (576768) and Jane Dinn (567131) - please contact at once, as bookings close soon.

Wanted urgently: 1930's/1940's wireless for use in a show to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Anyone prepared to lend one for the two performances of Bless 'Em All in West Malvern Village Hall on Thursday and Friday, May 26-27 should contact Valerie Blackbourn on (1684) 564893.

In the show, starting at 7.30pm each night, local performers will recall life on the Home Front. The admission charge of £5 will include souvenir programme and refreshments. Ticket information also from Valerie Blackbourn.

At Monday's meeting of the parish council, Joyce Roberts and David Woosey were unanimously re-elected as chairman and vice-chairman respectively.

Good news for regular walkers on the Hills is that the Conservators are planning improvements to the drainage and surfacing of the main tracks leading north and south from the Westminster Spout. Both have become badly washed out in recent years and in places resemble river beds! The work is expected to take place later in the summer.

Found on a picnic bench by the children's playground last weekend - black spectacle case containing a pair of reading glasses, lens cleaner and cleaning cloth - plus one cigarette! To reclaim, the owner should phone me and identify the language on the cleaning cloth and the make of cigarette!

Finally: If you do not normally use Old Hollow, a detour this weekend should be well worthwhile, as the bluebell field opposite should be at its spectacular best.