The dedication of our war memorial stone on Sunday went like clockwork and many people were able to come and share in the event. The weather started off as being rather inclement, but quickly the clouds dissipated and we were able to remain reasonably dry, though cold.

Thanks has got to go to a couple of people not mentioned on the day: Les, who supplied the PA, Oscar Morris, who helped in the background; Tessa and Brian at the Pheasant, who laid on the spread and looked after everyone so ably, and the Friends of Welland, who supplied the stainless steel plaque and who also helped to supply the refreshments at the Pheasant.

By the way, the Friends of Welland would not shrink away from accepting donations from individuals if they wished to contribute!

The Cordery Club will be meeting again on May 19, usual time and place.

The time has come again for the annual parish meeting in the hall at 7pm on Monday, May 16, to be followed by the usual monthly meeting in the smaller hall straight afterwards. All will be welcome to attend.

Welland Junior Football Club invites all members to the World Cup Day end of season tournament tomorrow (Saturday) at 1.30pm at The Sports Pavilion, Upton-upon-Severn. Cost is just £1 per player and there will be other attractions for those who wish to make a day of it, including bouncy castle, bar and pig roast.

Can anyone able to help set up and organise, please call Don on 310109 or just come along at 9.30am.

Senior award presentations will be made prior to the tournament at 2pm, together with a presentation of the 'Charter Standard' by the WFA and league trophies for the under-9s champions by the league chairman, George Silverman.

Anyone who would like to help or become involved next season, call Pete on 07768 657870. The club's AGM is on Friday, June 17 at 7.30pm at The Sports Pavilion.