AT Friday's Music for All, £350 was raised for church funds. Organiser Esther Kay ensured another entertaining evening for audience and participants at this popular annual concert.

Tonight (Friday), line-dancing in the parish hall at 7.30pm. Please note there will be no line-dancing on Friday, May 20. Instead our Ration Book supper and wartime concert party entertainment in the parish hall at 7.30pm. A few tickets are still available from the village shop, the Bell Inn or (01531) 640076.

Bosbury WI holds its annual plant sale tomorrow (Saturday) from 2-5pm at the parish hall or hopefully outside on the lawn. They will be serving cream teas, a real Saturday afternoon treat. Other attractions include a bric-a-brac stall and raffle. They look forward to welcoming old friends and new recruits.

The Hop Churches meet at Ashperton at 10am on Sunday for a confirmation service. Next Sunday at Bosbury, a Trinity Sunday flower festival songs of praise.

Christian Aid Week is from May 16-21, the village will have its house-to-house collection, with official envelopes delivered and collected later. There will be a coffee morning at the Old Chapel on Tuesday, May 17 at 10.30am. Everyone will be most welcome.

The Flower Festival committee is delighted with the enthusiasm shown for this year's theme of Bosbury - the Home Front and Bosbury - the War Years. Memorabilia continues to arrive: 1940 wedding dress; a tin box which opens to form a perfect folding push-chair; a newspaper cutting recalling a Bosbury mother's thrill of going to London to broadcast to her son, Sgt Douglas Watkins, on the Calling Gibraltar programme on the African Service. Written accounts include tales of a deserter who spent most of the summer in a hollow ash tree, evacuees, Bosbury bomb and everyday life on the farms. Tales from further afield include a journey aboard the Otranto troopship bound for Bombay, later to Mandalay and finally Rangoon.

The ten flower arrangements in the church are incorporating many of the local artefacts supplied. Others, including the written accounts, will be in the exhibition in the parish hall. A weekend not to be missed! Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22, 11am-5.30pm.